Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mead tasting update.

The mead (unflavored batch) was a bust.  To be charitable, it was not tasty.

The cinnamon mead was better, but I still wouldn't buy a bottle of the stuff.  Heck, it was basically free and hard for me to choke down.

I have a bottle of store-bought mead that I'll open soon, so that I have something with which to compare my mead.


  1. Uh-oh. Maybe I WON'T try the mead recipe!

    I've used bread yeast for the root beer and ginger ale I've made before. I don't like the root beer, too bready/yeasty flavored. The ginger ale (which I like STRONG) isn't as yeasty flavored. I think cause the ginger is strong enough to cover it up. I wonder if you tried the recipe again but used a very clean tasting ale or champagne yeast?

    What exactly did you not like about the mead?


    Matt N


  2. I now have three new batches going and used the champagne yeast. We'll see whether it is any better. The cinnamon and the cardamom meads are better tasting than the regular mead was. Still a bit sour, though, and that might have been due to the bread yeast that I used...

